Rabu, 10 Desember 2014

Pengalaman Wawancara Visa Amerika (2)

Pada hari Rabu di bulan Desember, sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya saya datang ke Konsulat Jenderal Amerika Serikat di Surabaya. Lokasinya di daerah perumahan elite Citraland, dekat dengan Pakuwon dan Supermall. Jalan menuju kesana juga tidak susah karena penunjuk jalan sangat jelas. Sebagai informasi saja, sebelumnya Konjen AS berada di Jl. Dr. Sutomo Surabaya kemudian pindah di Citraland ini. 

Menurut jadwal, wawancara saya dimulai pukul 08.45. Namun berdasar saran teman-teman yang sebelumnya sudah diwawancara dan menilik pengalaman saya sebelumnya mengenai visa Schengen-Eropa, saya memutuskan untuk datang lebih pagi. Sekitar pukul 6.45 saya sudah sampai di lokasi. Dari depan, Konjen AS didominasi tembok putih dan mirip dengan bunker dengan penampakan petugas keamanan yang bersenjata lengkap.

Konjen AS di Citraland tampak samping (google.com)
Saya orang kedua yang datang pagi itu. Ketika datang, saya lapor terlebih dahulu ke petugas keamaanan dan disuruh untuk menunggu. Katanya, meskipun jadwal saya 08.45 namun karena saya datang lebih dulu, maka akan didahulukan (Yes!). Sembari menunggu, saya pun mengobrol dengan pelamar visa yang lain. Sebelum saya, ada seorang bapak yang ingin memperbarui visanya karena akan bekerja di Bermuda dengan lebih dulu transit di New York. Beliau sudah bolak-balik ke Bermuda karena pekerjaannya. Untuk transit ternyata butuh Visa juga, yang berlaku 29 hari. "Banyak mbak, orang Indonesia yang curang. Mereka apply visa C1 (untuk transit) lalu kabur untuk bekerja. Tapi ya resikonya besar, tidak bisa pulang atau pulang dan dipenjara" ceritanya sekilas.

Pengalaman Wawancara Visa Amerika (1)

Seperti yang telah saya sebutkan di post sebelumnya, saya berencana mengikuti konferensi dan simulasi sidang PBB terbesar di dunia, Harvard National Model United Nations (HNMUN) 2015 Februari mendatang. Berbagai persiapan telah kami (saya dan tim) lakukan, dan Hari H semakin mendekat hingga akhirnya tibalah waktu kami untuk apply visa Amerika.Saya akan mencoba menceritakan kepada anda tentang pengalaman saya mengajukan aplikasi Visa Amerika.

But first of all, the main question everyone would ask is : How to apply for US Visa? Bagaimana caranya? Saya sendiri dibantu oleh teman satu tim Brawijaya for HNMUN yang berbaik hati.Jadi bisa dikatakan saya hanya menyerahkan data-data saja. Prinsipnya, pertama anda harus mengisi data-data aplikasi online yang disebut DS-160 di web konsulat Amerika. Untuk mengajukan aplikasi visa non-imigran seperti saya, silahkan klik di https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/ dan untuk informasi lebih lengkap pengajuan visa Amerika, anda bisa klik di web berbahasa Indonesia ini.

Setelah aplikasi online anda selesai, selanjutnya adalah melakukan pembayaran. Prosedurnya yaitu :
1. Klik di sini untuk mengetahui berapa yang harus anda bayar disesuaikan dengan kurs rupiah. Print Slip Deposit tersebut. Sebagai informasi, ketika itu saya harus membayar 160 USD yang setara dengan Rp 2.000.000.
2.Bawa Slip Deposit, Uang, Fotokopi Passport ke Bank Permata dan serahkan kepada Teller Bank.
3. Minta tanda bukti pembayaran

DS-160 Confirmation Letter

Sabtu, 15 November 2014


Have you ever seen a romantic soap opera on TV and feel sick about the plot? Have you ever seen girls crying after breaking up with her lover in the public places? Have you ever seen a couple who are having a terrible quarrel and yelling at each other in the public places? 

If one of those answers is yes, you might think that love can be so incredibly wrong and what might be left are the PAIN and HATRED

So, what are we gonna do? We can't just easily walk out or force ourselves to not being in love with someone. It's just clearly impossible, isn't it? What I suggest you to do, my dear readers, is do learn from the experience. Take lessons from every terrible things that bang you in the past.

This time, you can learn from my experience. My personal experience about LOVE which I should say the most frustrating thing ever in this decade of my life. It's like the thing you wanna tell to your children later, so that they will be more prepared in the event that they're in the same position (which I really don't hope so)

So fellass.. Let's begin our lesson. (I'd say these things to my beautiful children if I have later)

"Kid, if someone starts to pay more attention to you or starts flirting with you meanwhile he's still in relationship with someone else, back off and say NO from the beginning. Because he will do it again to you, sooner or later."

"Kid, if you are in the middle of your friend's relationship, just stay quite and do not act or talk to them unless they've finished their problems. Otherwise, you might add another problem"

"Kid, if you get blamed by many people for something you don't do, just be nice to them and let the time reveals all the truth. Because if you're busy listening and clarifying things here and there, it's totally in vain"

"Kid, if someone say bad things to you, don't do the same thing. Because they won't stop"

"Kid, if guys come to you and say they love you,don't be too happy and accept them easily. Take time. Take time as long as you need to convince yourself whether he's the right one. Because a guy who's in love and seems like he wants you very bad,will say enormous sweet things to you. Unfortunately, most of them are just garbage. They just want to get you in their hand first, and they will forget everything they say to you"

"Kid, if you feel like people abandon you, and you feel alone, it's the sign that Allah misses you. He just want to talk to you, so go talk to Him"

"Kid, don't judge people easily based on other's people story. Ask directly to them. Because you might be in their position someday, and it feels HOLY terrible"

End of the lessons.

As Ted said in How I met Your Mother : 

"A word of advice: play along. The more you fight it, the worse it’s gonna get. It’s like when your car slides on ice, you stir into the skid"

"There are a lot of little reasons why the big things in our lives happen"

Kamis, 13 November 2014

A Simple Smile

People always ask me how I could possibly (was) in relationship with someone who are a hundred miles away. How could I possibly miss someone I hardly ever see? How could I say that I love someone whom I met no more than 5 times in 8 months? Riddiculous, huh? Usually I only answers them with a smile. Knowing that even if I told them the reasons, they would never knew ;p

But now, I wanna reveal those answers.

Because I am a happy girl when I am next to him.
Because a minute with him could erase a hundred hours filled with insecurity, worries, and loneliness. 
Because a simple smile of him worth the excruciating pain I had to deal when we're apart.

Now that we're no longer like we used to be, I just want to wish you a happy life ahead. Keep in mind that these short times we had, decisions we both agreely took, may be a good lesson for both of us. No one knows what will happen to me, or you, or us. Just keep moving forward, and hey, I miss you by the way :)

Bye byeeee and see yaaa in another better time, Ivannnn! :D

Selasa, 13 Mei 2014


Good news coming from this early of May. After going through some tight selection phases, finally they announced the official delegation of HNMUN 2015.

Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.

Allah has been so good to me. Though I aint a good believer.

Anyway, I would also like to say congrats to Ivan who made it through to Mitsubishi Job interview in Singapore. Best of luck for us!

And I hope to you, whoever read this post, can reach your dream one by one someday. Amin. Just keep going. It is true that the moment you want to give up might be just an inch close to your dream. Keep going. Keep going. No matter what.

 "Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?" - Surah Ar Rahman

Sabtu, 10 Mei 2014

People Smuggling and Its Social and Humanitarian Implications

Smuggling is a crucial issue in the world, with a large number of countries affected by it. According to the Executive Office for United States Attorneys, the number of convicted smugglers of migrants rose significantly, from 589 in 1995 to 2,457 in 2004 (UNODC, 2011). Meanwhile, about 65,000 illegal migrants landed in Italy, Malta and Spain in 2006 (UNODC, 2009). In Indonesia, people smuggling cases increased 24,78% in 2012 according to Polri. It is truly a serious threat for transnational security and stability since the smugglers constantly violate migration laws, cross border regulations, and visa requirements.

People smuggling has brought many negative impacts, especially to the countries of origin, transit, and destination. Smuggler migrants are not properly identified since they have no legal documents. It would be serious security and criminal concerns as they commit crime in one country and could be remain undetectable. Besides, the smuggler migrants might be carrier for infectious disease or other health risks to the citizen. It is possible because they evade national border control.

The smuggler migrants are also prone to human rights abuses and violation. They are willing to travel through unrecognized routes without any guarantee for their safety. In some cases, smuggling leads to human trafficking and exploitation. It could cost them their lives and totally not worth the money they had paid to the smugglers.

Those implications of people smuggling highlight the importance to fight against it. In order to increase international cooperation, United Nations is the essential component. UN can accelerate the solutions people smuggling, such as encourage cooperation between international law enforcement agencies, enable information sharing between country officials, or conduct joint immigration surveillance.  

Picture source : google.com

The Eleventh of May

Hello Sunday ! 

Just wanna tell you, I currently love a song from Justin Timberlake - Not a Bad Thing. Justin's voice is just so soothing. The lyric is also majestic! The video clips is also hyper romantic! Awwww... 
So I would present this song and my handcraft below to complete our Eleventh of May :)

Thank you for this three. Sorry for this is the only thing I could do. Hope to see you soon is always be my prayer in the morning while we are busy chasing our dreams. Good luck for us!! :))

" So don't act like it's a bad thing to fall in love with me
Cause you might fuck around and find your dreams come true with me
Spend all your time and your money just to find out that my love was free
So don't act like it's a bad thing to fall in love with me, me
It's not a bad thing to fall in love with me, me

Now how about I be the last voice you hear tonight?
And every other night for the rest of the nights that there are
And every morning I just wanna see you staring back at me
'Cause I know that's a good place to start "

Senin, 14 April 2014

My First Stop Motion Video

Berawal dari rasa bosan karena jadwal kuliah yang sering kosong, timbul keinginan saya untuk mencoba melakukan sesuatu yang baru. Dan pilihan saya jatuh pada membuat Stop Motion Video untuk seseorang yang jauh disana hehe. Pernah dengar Stop Motion Video? Itu loh, video yang dibuat dari foto-foto dan diedit sedimikian rupa sehingga terlihat seperti bergerak. Kinda cool.

Cara membuat video yang populer sejak tahun 2000-an ini saya ketahui pertama kali dari teman saya. Ketika itu dia membuat stop motion video untuk seorang teman yang berulang-tahun. Her video was pretty awesome at that time. Penasaran, saya nanya gimana cara buatnya. "Ngga susah kok, cuma foto-foto aja yang banyak trus disatuin deh pake movie maker" katanya waktu itu.  me such

Lalu, pada hari itu saya memikirkan konsep dan segera menyiapkan peralatan yang dibutuhkan. Bisa apa saja sih, tergantung tema dan kreatifitas anda. Anyway, kalau mau tahu tentang berbagai macam contoh dan tema video stop motion, sudah banyak kok di YouTube. Setelah semua siap, mulailah saya jeprat-jepret. At the end of the day, ngga kerasa sudah 300an foto yang saya ambil. It wasn't as easy as it seems. Daaan ternyata proses editingnya lebih melelahkan lagi karena harus setting time per foto.

Finally, setelah semalaman di depan laptop, video stop motion saya yang pertama pun selesai! Yeay! Memang sih masih jauh dari kata 'bagus' but at least it gave me such huge satisfaction. Next time I promise I'll do better. Enjoy my humble video fellas :3

Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

3 am

Sudah pukul tiga dini hari dan pikiran ini masih sibuk berlari kesana kemari. Tak tahu kemana arah yang pasti namun dia terus mencari. Pelajaran yang didapat hari ini, ikuti hati nurani. Ketika lempengan bumi bergeser bernama gempa dan menimbulkan hentakan misterius di kamar, keluarlah. Bila takut, katakanlah. Diri ini akan bisa melihat siapa yang benar-benar peduli dan siapa yang berpura-pura. Klise. Hey, tapi menyakitkan.

Lima koma empat scala richter yang bisa mendekatkan hati ke Sang Maha Agung. Sadar bahwa manusia sama sekali tak berdaya di depan kehendak Nya. Semoga yang tercinta selalu dalam lindungan Nya.

Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

I miss you

I miss you
Pretty similar like Fergie said, 'like a child misses their blanket'
Oh baby, it's been torturing me..
Killing me..
And it's like One Republic said 'lately I've been losing sleep.. Dreaming about the things that we could be'

Minggu, 02 Maret 2014

Joy dan Benda Bernama Rindu

Pagi itu, ada yang berbeda dari Joy. Senyum dan auranya cerah ceria. Berulang kali ia tertawa kecil memandangi telepon genggamnya. Ada satu nama di layar kecil itu yang membuat matanya berbinar setiap kali ada pesan singkat masuk di handphonenya. Gani. 

Ya, Gani. Lelaki itu telah mengisi hari-hari Joy yang selama ini tak menarik dan membosankan. Walaupun hanya berkomunikasi via telepon, Joy merasa nyaman membicarakan apapun kepada Gani. Mulai mengeluh tentang sinyal yang buruk, rasa kantuk yang menyerang ketika rapat direksi, rencana karir yang disusunnya, dan apapun. 

Dan pagi itu, alasan dari senyum Joy juga Gani. Sosok yang berjarak ribuan kilometer dari kota kecil dimana Joy tinggal, telah menyatakan perasaannya. Gani menemui Joy dan merasa yakin dengannya. Tidak jauh berbeda dengan Joy, Gani mengaku merasa nyaman dengan adanya Joy selama ini. Meski Joy sempat meragu, memikirkan rumitnya keadaan mereka saat ini, terpisah ruang dan waktu yang begitu nyata, namun Gani meyakinkan semua akan baik-baik saja. Dan semua akan bisa berjalan dengan baik. Joy pun mengiyakan, sembari mengucap harap di dalam hati bahwa semuanya memang akan baik-baik saja. 

Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

My Best Travelling Partners

             There are thousand ways of traveling and types of travelers in this universe. Let’s say the backpackers, flashpackers, traveling for business, and others. Yet, I’m sure that each of us has traveled to (at least) one place with one person, even if it was just going to somewhere we’d known for ages, like nanny’s house. Time we spent with these people when we go travel whether it was just couple of hours to couple of years should reveal some new facts. Facts about how well we know our traveling partners and how much we don’t know them. Prepare to be shocked by it!

Indeed! You will never know what you’re up to when it comes to travel with your partners. I myself had traveled to some places, both solo and with some friends. Surprisingly, some of these occasions changed my perspective on how we cope with people’s ego. Among my past traveling experiences, here are the names I would say as my best traveling partners and why I bother put their name in this post.

1.    Hardantika (Tika)

I first met this tall skinny girl at Czech while doing my professional exchange in Prague. We didn’t know each other at all until the time we shared apartment with 3 others foreign students for approximately a month. Since we were both Europe first timers, we planned some trips to cities like Amsterdam, Paris, Vienna, Brussels, and Dresden and had my best times!
 Why I put her lovely name on my top of the list is because she is just awesome! I adore her good planning skill. She’s just the right person to discuss and plan some exciting trips. She also has unbelievably massive storage of energy all day long and huge curiosity about new places. One day, when we went to Bangkok, we walked and walked to almost all the tourist attractions from dawn to midnight and ended up smirking at our exhausted legs. Sometimes when problems arose, she didn’t freak out but came up with A to Z solutions.
How about shopping? Oh, this girl really knows what she need. From cheap-night-market in front of MBK Bangkok to the almighty Louis Vuitton main store in Paris, she just somehow know how to spend her money while stay on budget. She doesn’t bother at all to scrape for unique stuffs to cheap market though she has more money.

Flying in Dresden. Photo taken by Ayip.