Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

My Best Travelling Partners

             There are thousand ways of traveling and types of travelers in this universe. Let’s say the backpackers, flashpackers, traveling for business, and others. Yet, I’m sure that each of us has traveled to (at least) one place with one person, even if it was just going to somewhere we’d known for ages, like nanny’s house. Time we spent with these people when we go travel whether it was just couple of hours to couple of years should reveal some new facts. Facts about how well we know our traveling partners and how much we don’t know them. Prepare to be shocked by it!

Indeed! You will never know what you’re up to when it comes to travel with your partners. I myself had traveled to some places, both solo and with some friends. Surprisingly, some of these occasions changed my perspective on how we cope with people’s ego. Among my past traveling experiences, here are the names I would say as my best traveling partners and why I bother put their name in this post.

1.    Hardantika (Tika)

I first met this tall skinny girl at Czech while doing my professional exchange in Prague. We didn’t know each other at all until the time we shared apartment with 3 others foreign students for approximately a month. Since we were both Europe first timers, we planned some trips to cities like Amsterdam, Paris, Vienna, Brussels, and Dresden and had my best times!
 Why I put her lovely name on my top of the list is because she is just awesome! I adore her good planning skill. She’s just the right person to discuss and plan some exciting trips. She also has unbelievably massive storage of energy all day long and huge curiosity about new places. One day, when we went to Bangkok, we walked and walked to almost all the tourist attractions from dawn to midnight and ended up smirking at our exhausted legs. Sometimes when problems arose, she didn’t freak out but came up with A to Z solutions.
How about shopping? Oh, this girl really knows what she need. From cheap-night-market in front of MBK Bangkok to the almighty Louis Vuitton main store in Paris, she just somehow know how to spend her money while stay on budget. She doesn’t bother at all to scrape for unique stuffs to cheap market though she has more money.

Flying in Dresden. Photo taken by Ayip.