Rabu, 07 September 2011

An Epic Article : Tips for Surviving Medical School

This article is taken from medscape site, and I was told by my classmate about it. I read it for sure and it really represents med-students' life, as I've got thru that since a year ago. These simple tips may lead you to a better quality of your study, whether you are a med-student or not.
So, Enjoy it !

Tips for Surviving Medical School

Farook W. Taha; Adeleke T. Adesina
Posted: 02/04/2011 

Remember when you were a premedical student in college? It seems like a century ago for many of us who have just completed the first year of medical school. It feels that way because our lives have changed dramatically. Normal life seems to have vanished, and suddenly, 24 hours in a day are not enough to get through the enormous volumes of information that we are expected to learn for every exam. It seems virtually impossible. We barely have time to eat or sleep.
Medical school is not the end of the world. Take it from us, 2 students who have been there, when we say that medical school is what you make of it. Do not let medicine define you; instead, you should tailor medicine to your lifestyle. Otherwise, you might become overwhelmed by the demands of your new life and lose the sense of why you chose medicine in the first place.
How do you survive medical school? From the beginning, time management must be a major priority. If you can manage your time successfully, you can still enjoy your life to a certain extent. Studying in med school is not the same as it was in college; this is a new world where you have to explore different techniques and find what works best for you. In medical school, it is all about studying smart, not studying hard. If you don't know this at the beginning, you will learn it the hard way.

Senin, 05 September 2011

Menulis ? Siapa Takut ?

Believe it or not, writing is one of the most important activities since a long time ago. Hidup kita dimulai dengan goresan tangan Tuhan pada suratan takdir dan garis hidup setiap manusia. Sesaat setelah manusia dilahirkan di dunia, perawat rumah sakit, bidan ataupun petugas kesehatan lainnya menuliskan detail fisiknya dan disimpan sebagai arsip. Seiring waktu berjalan, manusia menuliskan satu persatu peristiwa yang dialaminya dalam bank memori pada otak. Malaikat pun menuliskan amal perbuatan baik maupun perbuatan buruk setiap manusia pada buku rapor milikNya. See ? Everyone can write, actually.

I was inspired by my friend who just won a national writing competition and the winner is able to attend an international competition. And the best part is, it's totally FREE, the registration and accomodation. Uh wow. I'm a bit envy and jealous then but thanks God it really encouraged me to improve my writing skill by write this post. 

I always dreamt of winning a international scholarship since I was very young. Then i ask myself, what should i do ? In the end, I realized that writing is the best way to reach that.

Some people are afraid of writing things, including me maybe. I do admit that. I personally see some factors why it could be able. The first one, saya merasa saya tidak mempunyai bakat menulis atau berasal dari keluarga penulis. So, when the opportunity came, you rejected it. (it's so me -_- ). Sebenarnya wajar bagi manusia merasa tidak mampu melakukan sesuatu yang belum pernah dilakukannya atau sudah pernah dilakukan namun hasilnya kurang memuaskan. It's just sort of give up too early. So what you have to do is, bulatkan tekadmu dan benar-benar paksa tanganmu untuk menulis serta otakmu untuk memikirkan apa yang akan kamu tulis. Seperti yang saya lakukan sekarang, it's all for getting international scholarships :')

The second one is, sudah merasa bulat untuk menulis namun belum menemukan ide yang menarik dan akhirnya keinginan tersebut harus putus di tengah jalan. That's so classic! all we have to do is be more critical! Criticize everything around you and try to write it down every single thought.

Finally, what are you waiting for ? Yuk mari mencoba bersama-sama cara menulis yang baik dan terus menulis hingga akhirnya dunia menulis nama dan prestasi kita :)