Rabu, 02 September 2015

Lessons Part 2 : The Beauty of Giving In

We as a human being have various different characteristic. One of the basic human characters is the sense to fight, the willingness to win, whereas the amount of it depends on each person. Once there is something we really want, naturally we want to chase it until we get it. Moreover, people usually tell us to be the winner of everything, to not to give up easily, and to be the number one in every aspect. I myself used to believe that those theories were true. As I grow up and had chances to jump in bizarre situations in my life, I know now giving in is sometimes necessary.

The fear of losing in one battle, the fear of losing something we want, the fear of losing pride in front of other people. Those were some of the reasons why giving in are such a troll for us. But how we can get through occasion where we have to step back and give up? And what kind of situations are they?

In Islam giving in is a positive manner, noble. It only can be done by the great-hearted ones because letting go something we desire is way beyond easy. There are several types of giving in told in Islam. The first is giving in when you see only a tiny chance to win. This has done by Khaleed bin Al Walid in the War of Mu’tah. He decided to step back after seeing the enormous number of the enemy.

There is also giving in something because of love. It is to see the people we love safe, happy and settle even it means by forfeit our feelings, time and or even our life. The love of parents to their children, the love of a woman to a man, the love of sisters to her siblings, made this type of giving in happens every day in our life.

Dale Carnegie in his famous book titled “How to Win Friends and Influence People” said the benefit of giving in, especially if we have an argument with others.  You can’t win an argument. You can’t because if you lose it, you lose it; and if you win it, you lose it. Well, suppose you triumph over the other man and shoot his argument full of holes. Then what? You will feel fine. But what about him? You have made him feel inferior. You have hurt his pride. And.. A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still”

When you want some position in your workplace, or in an organization, you want to be it. But what if someone deserves it more than you because he/she is simply better than you? Most people will give everything to get that position, nearly there is someone who is willing to give in. Once again, it only can be done by the great-hearted man, realizing he’s no better than his opponent so he give in for the good of the organization/company.

All in all, giving in is not that bad depends on the situation. Giving in something and forfeit it for the better ones is necessary sometimes. It took sincere heart to be able to do it.  Then when you succeeded doing it, I wish you the best things I can. Because when one door is closed, thousands other opens and because there’s always a silver lining in every cloud. 


Selasa, 14 Juli 2015

Akibat Percaya kepada Allah

Suatu siang di hari Jumat, saya pergi ke toko buku di Malang untuk membeli buku yang telah lama saya masukkan ke wishlist saya untuk minggu ini, yaitu buku Notes From Qatar oleh Muhammad Assad. Untuk yang penasaran siapa beliau, bisa intip profilenya di sini. Baru dua bab dari buku tersebut yang saya baca, saya sudah terhipnotis oleh kisah-kisah inspiratif Mas Assad. Mas Assad bercerita tentang keajaiban-keajaiban yang terjadi di dalam kehidupannya yang tidak lain karena kuasa Allah Sang Maha Baik. Dengan menganut prinsip 3P : Positive, Persistence, Pray; Muhammad Assad mampu menggugah hati kecil saya untuk ikut membagi keajaiban Allah yang terjadi di dalam kehidupan saya pribadi.
Ini loh bukunyaaa...
Pertama kali kenal sama Mas Assad dan nggak tahu kalau beliau penulis terkenal haha

Sejak kecil, saya selalu bermimpi untuk dapat pergi ke luar negeri. Hal ini karena pengaruh media televisi, buku-buku yang saya baca, lalu saya beranggapan sepertinya banyak cerita menarik di luar sana. Namun, dari tayangan tersebut selalu diperlihatkan bahwa hanya kaum yang berduit saja yang bisa jalan-jalan ke luar negeri. Hmmm.. Saya bahkan sempat bersumpah didalam hati bahwa saya akan mampu jalan-jalan ke luar negeri tanpa membebani orangtua. "Liat aja nanti kalau aku gede aku juga bisa seperti mereka" hehehe..

Beasiswa Exchange ke Praha
Alhamdulillah, Allah mengabulkan mimpi terbesar saya sejak kecil. Ketika itu dibuka pendaftaran beasiswa penuh untuk pertukaran pelajar ke beberapa negara seperti Meksiko, Mesir, Polandia, dan Ceko oleh Medical Students' Committe for International Affair (MSCIA) Universitas Brawijaya yang disponsori oleh HPEQ  DIKTI. Jujur, ketika itu saya belum pernah mencoba mendaftar beasiswa ke luar negeri. Bahkan, saya belum punya visa ketika itu. berbagai kekhawatiran dan pikiran negatif seperti takut dengan jumlah saingan yang banyak dan semuanya hebat Tapi entah ada dorongan darimana, saya memberanikan diri untuk mencoba dan berfikir positif. Seperti yang diriwayatkan dalam Hadits Qudsi : "Aku adalah apa yang hambaku sangkakan, dan Aku akan bersamanya selama ia mengingat-Ku" (Muttafaq'alaih)

Mulailah saya mengurus persyaratan dan dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan. Waktu yang sempit dan jadwal kuliah yang padat menjadi tantangan tersendiri untuk melengkapi persayaratan tepat waktu. Saya pun rela bolak-balik Malang-Surabaya demi kelengkapan dokumen. Namun saya menjalani dengan senang hati dan nothing to lose. 

Seleksi pertama berhasil saya lewati dengan baik. Ketika melihat nama-nama yang lolos, saya sempat kecil hati. Bagaimana tidak, nama-nama tersebut sebagian besar dikenal sebagai aktivis kampus dengan IP yang hampir 4 dan kemampuan intelektualnya jauh di atas saya. Hmm.. lalu kemudian saya mencoba berfikir positif dan berusaha untuk membuat esai yang menarik. Mulai dari googling bagaimana cara membuat esai yang baik, sampai konsultasi ke orangtua serta kakak saya. Saya pun sempat merevisi beberapa kali setelah dikritik oleh Mami, Papi, dan Mas Kiki.

Sekali lagi, Allah meloloskan saya untuk lolos ke tahap terakhir yaitu wawancara. Nah di tahap ini, saya harus mampu meyakinkan para interviewer yang kritis dan berwawasan luas. Dalam hati saya tetap berfikir positif dengan tetap berharap kepada Allah SWT. Bahkan waktu itu saya sudah bisa membayangkan diri saya berjalan-jalan ke berbagai tempat eksotik di Eropa, hehe.

Tiba saat pengumuman yang dinanti-nanti, akhirnya saya lolos dan berhak pergi ke Praha selama sebulan. WAAAAAA... Alhamdulillah... I couldn't help myself from dancing and jumping around by the time I heard the news!! Tak lupa lalu saya bersujud syukur, berterima kasih kepada Sang Maha Pemberi, Allah SWT.

Harvard National MUN di Boston, USA
Awalnya saya mengetahui event bergengsi ini dari teman saya yang berangkat ke Harvard duluan. Setelah nanya-nanya, saya bertekad dalam hati : tahun depan harus aku nih yang gantian berangkat! Dan ketika pendaftaran event ini dibuka, dengan semangat 45 saya buru-buru cari info dan bikin esai (lagi) hehe. Entah kenapa, karena memang sudah direncakan dan ditunggu-tunggu, jadi saya merasa enteng aja mengikuti semua seleksinya. Nothing to lose, tapi optimis keterima dan berangkat. Alhamdulillah akhirnya kepilih! Allahu Akbar!

Untuk mempersiapkan keberangkatan saya dan tim ke Boston, bukan tanpa masalah. Persiapan kami selama hampir satu tahun sebagian besar dihabiskan dengan mencari sponsor dan bantuan dana. Saya yang sedang koas juga tidak bisa dengan mudah mengurus perijinan cuti terkait birokrasi kampus dan rumah sakit. Ditambah pula, ada pihak-pihak yang meremehkan keberangkatan kami. Kami sampai kenyang dengan penolakan dari sana-sini hehe

Sampai suatu saat, saya ingat ketika H-2 bulan keberangkatan dan saya belum bisa membeli tiket-akomodasi dan lain-lain karena dana yang ada belum bisa mencapai 50% dari anggaran kami. Orangtua saya saat itu juga keberatan karena waktunya bersamaan dengan persiapan pernikahan Mas Kiki dan persiapan haji Mami dan Papi yang notabene membutuhkan uang yang tidak sedikit pula. Selama kurang lebih sebulan saya memohon kepada Allah dan pasrah. Saya pun sudah mau mundur dari tim karena kondisi keuangan dan perijinan yang sepertinya tidak memungkinkan. 

Saya pernah menyebut di dalam doa saya, "Ya Allah bantulah kami mendapat sponsor, minimal 10 juta Ya Allah..." 

Lalu pada suatu siang setelah secara resmi berbicara kepada seluruh anggota tim bahwa saya mengundurkan diri, saya mendapat telepon dari seseorang yang mewakili suatu perusahaan swasta di Malang. Bapak tersebut menyetujui proposal kami dan bersedia memberikan sponsor berupa uang cash. Coba tebak berapa jumlahnya? 10 JUTA! Ya, benar! 10 Juta! Subhanallah! Sungguh, Allah tidak pernah sekalipun melanggar janji-Nya.

"Sebab sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan. Sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan" (Al Insyirah:5-6)

Kalau kita mau mengingat-ingat kembali, begitu banyak nikmat dan rahmat Allah yang patut kita syukuri. Begitu besar pula kekuasaanNya yang seringkali terjadi tanpa kita sangka-sangka. Maha Benar Allah dengan segala firman Nya. Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1436 H dari saya! Minal Aidzin wal Faidzin, mohon maaf lahir batin! :)

Sabtu, 06 Juni 2015


Have you ever thought about your future life? I bet you all have. After a short chit chat with my dad, a long line of questions came up to my head, I am now 23 years old, what have I done to the world? What have you achieved? Is it enough? What have you given to your parents, family, community? Have you really reached your dreams? Are you happy?

Damn, it turned out I haven't done big enough to me, my life, and the people around me. Moreover, I recently notice my fellow friends, especially girls, who has amazingly grown up into a Lady. I mean not only beauty that she probably has, no, it's a common thing everyone would envy, but I really envy those who continuously make something to be proud of. Hence I decided I have to set some goals in order to achieve more and to remind me to be focus on what I want. 

Short term goals :

1. Get this medschool done on time.
2. Apply for internship in Lombok, NTB. 
    I already get permission for this, yeay. My reason is simply I want to work with beaches (not bitches) around me :3
3. Get in shape. Be healthy.
4. Take chances to treat more patients outside RSSA.
5. Read more. Learn. Write more.
5. Married. (HAHAHAHAHA...The least thing in my mind, but I have to make it listed, anyway)

Long term goals :

1. Go to school abroad. 
2. Be an ophthalmologist or dermatologist. Actually I haven't sure with the spesialistic I want to take, but ophtalmology and dermatology interest me, plastic surgery seems OK too, maybe. 
3. Work at WHO.
4. Have my own foundation that empower women and children to have high education level.
5. Meet Taylor Swift. HAHAHA. I just adore her songs, her high fashioned urban style, and her curve.

It's a wrap!!! You should try make your own lists. It's fun, you know?

But in the end, we gotta work our ass off to get those list comes true. You only live once. You should make the best of it. Don't just pretend you are happy doing what you don't. It's your own life, you rule it, you make it.

Sabtu, 09 Mei 2015

My Saturday Night is About TED Talks

After reading the title above, I know some of you think it is a miserable thing when you have nothing to do in your free saturday night. Yeah, and no. Actually I had plans for this night, to meet some of my friends and hang out. But you know, things don't always work the way you wish to. So my friends cancelled it and I ended up in here. It was such a bad day when you worn out after doing 3 hours workout in the morning then you found out that your crush dating someone else. And this was how my saturday night rolls : do some work-read books-and binge watching amazing TED Talks. 

It was a good coincidence when I scrolled my timeline, twitter account of TEDxUnivBrawijaya (yeah, i know. finally my campus organize the first TEDx Event tomorrow!!) and they tweeted about a TED Talks playlist about public speaking. Thanks to my cheap but not cheesy internet modem, I could binge watching them and share my favorites ones. Here they are :

1. Julian Treasure - How to Speak So People Want to Listen

In TED Talks, you will meet a bunch of powerful, interactive, and awesome speakers whose jobs are mostly the ones you never thought exists. In this talk, the speaker-Julian Treasure- is a Sound Expert and the chair of a Sound Agency. His job is giving advises to bussiness worldwide --offices, retailers, hotels -- on how to use sound.

This time, he spoke about how to speak so people want to listen. He explained few things that make people don't want to listen. First, the content. Second, our sound. He also advised us to do warming up before speaking in front of people. Watch him and get inspired. 

2. Amy Cuddy - Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

I always mesmerized by women who has terrific level of public speaking. Amy Cuddy is one of them. She is a social psychologist, a professor and researcher at Harvard Business School. In her 20 mins of talk, she gave me sight of how body language can change our mind and then it would change the outcomes. This body language she meant is the Power Pose, which is the gesture or pose of powerful people. Power posing can make us feel more powerful and later be more successful in what we do. She explained the magic of fake it until you become it not fake it until you make it

Along with her exciting topic, she also has brought many evidence and researches which support the talk. She mentioned about the level of hormones in our bodies, mainly testosterone and cortisol, which govern our body to be powerful or powerless. Moreover, she also share her personal story about her being judged not capable to finish her college due to brain injury. But she proved to them she can, eventually, after struggling and changing the way she pose into the power pose. All in all, I adore how she speaks, the topic she brought was also rare yet it was atrractive.

3. Megan Washington - Why I live in Mortal Dread of Public Speaking

Megan is one of Australia's performers/songwriters. Surprisingly, she has had a stutter since childhood. In the beginning of her speak, she spoke her first sentences haltingly. I thought she was joking or pretending to have a stutter but she wasn't. Having a stutter since early age make her afraid to speak with people. Until she found out when she sings is the only time when she can speak fluently. She said it is tricking her brain. 

“Megan's edifying admission will help others who struggle with speech impediments that may be hiding in the shadows to embrace life and not let their difficulties hold them back. ” — Woman's Day

That's it. Happy watching and get those ideas worth spreading!

Rabu, 15 April 2015

Words of Mine After HNMUN

Hello everyone! Actually I intended to write about my first experience in HNMUN 2015 couples months ago in Boston, USA. But I haven't had much time yet due to the upcoming exams. I'm going to post few photos instead. 

I have to say, joining HNMUN was the BEST DECISION I've ever made in my entire life. Though I admit there was soooo much things I had to gave in. Yet I told you, I didn't regret a single thing of it. Otherwise, I am thrilled to do it again. Yeah, I wish I could. 

Along with this post, I would say thank you to everyone who has supported us from the beginning... My mom and my dad, especially, who have encouraged me to take chances, be brave, and to cross any boundaries in order to reach my dreams. They always lift me up whenever I doubt myself and about to give up. Thank you to let me do some (or a lot, i guess) things beyond your expectation.I LOVE YOU MOMMY POPPY!! My elder brother, Mas Kiki, who always be so kind to let me use his credit card for buying things and booked hotels or bus tickets.I felt so sorry at first but I couldn't resist it ;p My sister-in-law, Kak Sari;my younger brother, Fafa; and you,yeah all of you who has supported me in any possible ways even if it was just like put a 'love'in my Path's posts. THANK YOU. YOU RAWKK!!

My lovely team in a frame

We were posing after the closing of HNMUN

First time we stepped in Boston and it was a day after terrible blizzard.

Times Square!!!! YEAAAAAHHHH!!!!

In the end, I would like to invite all of you to have such an amazing journey all the way to USA to attend the biggest MUN held by Harvard University Students - HNMUN. Just click www.brawijayaforhnmun.com and fullfill the inquiries.

  • As the wise men said, in the end you would only regret things you didn't do. So don'tlet HNMUN be one of them.GOOD LUCK!!!