Have you ever thought about your future life? I bet you all have. After a short chit chat with my dad, a long line of questions came up to my head, I am now 23 years old, what have I done to the world? What have you achieved? Is it enough? What have you given to your parents, family, community? Have you really reached your dreams? Are you happy?
Damn, it turned out I haven't done big enough to me, my life, and the people around me. Moreover, I recently notice my fellow friends, especially girls, who has amazingly grown up into a Lady. I mean not only beauty that she probably has, no, it's a common thing everyone would envy, but I really envy those who continuously make something to be proud of. Hence I decided I have to set some goals in order to achieve more and to remind me to be focus on what I want.

Short term goals :
1. Get this medschool done on time.
2. Apply for internship in Lombok, NTB.
I already get permission for this, yeay. My reason is simply I want to work with beaches (not bitches) around me :3
3. Get in shape. Be healthy.
4. Take chances to treat more patients outside RSSA.
5. Read more. Learn. Write more.
5. Married. (HAHAHAHAHA...The least thing in my mind, but I have to make it listed, anyway)
Long term goals :
1. Go to school abroad.
2. Be an ophthalmologist or dermatologist. Actually I haven't sure with the spesialistic I want to take, but ophtalmology and dermatology interest me, plastic surgery seems OK too, maybe.
3. Work at WHO.
4. Have my own foundation that empower women and children to have high education level.
5. Meet Taylor Swift. HAHAHA. I just adore her songs, her high fashioned urban style, and her curve.
It's a wrap!!! You should try make your own lists. It's fun, you know?
But in the end, we gotta work our ass off to get those list comes true. You only live once. You should make the best of it. Don't just pretend you are happy doing what you don't. It's your own life, you rule it, you make it.
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