Several reasons in our society could explain the question. Prestige, in my opinion, is the main reason. Students, and/or their parents, see that being a doctor is super cool! The white coat they will be wearing would impress many ordinary people. Doctors are considered more superior in knowledge than others. Money, is the second reason. Doctors tend to be wealthier than others, people think. They are always thought to ride nice cars, have huge house, and wear branded clothes.
Those silly reasons snapped so many to people choose Medical Faculty, as I used to, without knowing what was waiting for me behind the wall. So, what was it? A curvaceous long pathway with massive unpredictable obstacles in every inch of it. However, it really changed my mind.
To be a doctor, you have to go through the 6-year-medical school and one-or-two-year internship in backwoods. In almost every day of those years, you will be forced to read text books, memorize thousand medical terms and diseases, discuss and diagnose medical cases, hundreds of exam, staying up late, and being unsociable. With every student in our classroom is like a studying machine, you can not miss nor ignore any of the lesson otherwise you will be so left behind. Every one is competing to get good mark. On the top of that, there is no room for failure since we are prepared to treat people as a human being, who have heart and feelings too.
Manner and attitude are highly notable in medical community. Once again, since we can not treat people while being so whatever with their feelings, economic and social condition, family, and many others. Our lecturers often said that intelligence without good attitude is in vain. The manner and attitude of being punctual, honest, reliable, hospitable, polite, modest, and others are a must to the doctors. So as you can see, no matter how tired you are, how broken-hearted you are, how starving you are, how much you miss your family, you are NOT ALLOWED TO be rude to the patients and colleagues. Otherwise you get kicked out.
Once you have finished your hard pre-clinical years, you will be facing the harder two years of clinical years. Those years when sleeping time is a priceless treasure, when time for your family and sibling are taken away, when not reading books is a regretful thing after you fail to treat your patient and he died, when seniors and professors push you really hard every day, yet it will mold you to be tough. Once again, because people hand over their life to the doctors. Therefore, it is really not about money after all. Dedication is.
"Sometimes it is weird and worrisome to think that soon, I'll be
responsible for others when I can hardly take care of myself," one
medical student writes. Taken from depression in Med School by medscape.
All in all, I'm not writing this to frighten you. If you want to be a doctor, go ahead. But remember, your will soon be tested on the way there, physically and mentally. There is always temptation, to cheat, to lie, to be lazy, to be selfish, and to be so arrogant in medical school. It is all your choice and determine what kind of doctor you will be! Good luck! :)
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