Rabu, 20 November 2013

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Senin, 15 Juli 2013

My Favorite Glee Episodes, Tribute to Cory Montheit

Hey guys!

I bet you all have heard the sad news about Cory Montheit, the sexy man who play Finn Hudson on Glee. He was found dead in a hotel in Canada, aged 31. He had struggled for his addiction to alcohol and drugs since teenager. It was pretty shocking for people around the world, especially Gleeks. Never thought that he'll gone this soon. Deep condolence for him. In tribute to Cory, I wrote this post about Glee just to remind my good times when watching it.
As we know, Glee is one of the most successful TV series that airs on Fox in the United States. Started its first episode in 2009, now it's been 4 years with 4 seasons and 88 episodes. From the first time I watched Glee, I know that I fell in love with it. I was in the high school age that time and amazed by the light comedy, love, friendship, family conflict, fashion, ambition, dreams, Glee brought all together in. In my opinion, the Glee stories are so modest, simple, but actually really fit into modern-teen-real life. 

Yes, we are Glee!

Rabu, 10 Juli 2013

Do You Want to Be A Doctor? Think Again

Many high school students dream to be doctors, especially in developed countries. Thousand people have been struggling to enter Medical Faculty in all over the world since the early time. They've been sacrificed their time, money, and mind just to succeed it. Some of them are eager to do anything, even if they have to do both of  the legal or illegal ways. But the question is, why Medical Faculty is so popular from time to time?

Several reasons in our society could explain the question. Prestige, in my opinion, is the main reason. Students, and/or their parents, see that being a doctor is super cool! The white coat they will be wearing would impress many ordinary people. Doctors are considered more superior in knowledge than others.  Money, is the second reason. Doctors tend to be wealthier than others, people think. They are always thought to ride nice cars, have huge house, and wear branded clothes.

Those silly reasons snapped so many to people choose Medical Faculty, as I used to, without knowing what was waiting for me behind the wall. So, what was it? A curvaceous long pathway with massive unpredictable obstacles in every inch of it. However, it really changed my mind.

Sabtu, 13 April 2013

Another Shit Happens

Hey guys, hows ur saturday night ? Lil creepy, I guess ?
So, this is what happen. I just watched a movie about love, and it is said that "Being in love is being yourself " . Insanely true. I wonder when is the last time I went out with the guy and found myself happy laughing out as my own self ? Hmmm...

Nevermind. So now, I'm gonna surprised you with the facts about myself. In case you are in love in me and you need to know who I am exactly. HAHA. No, kidding. Here they are !

Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

I Wanna Be..

Dear, you..

I wanna be.. the first person that pops in your mind when you open your sleepy eyes every morning.

I wanna be.. the first person you remember to call every morning after you open your eyes.

I wanna be.. the person whom you say ‘I MISS YOU’ and ‘I LOVE YOU’ in your call everyday and never get bored hearing of it.

I wanna be.. the person you think to motivate you before you start your days.

I wanna be.. the person you wanna hug when you are stressed out by your overwhelming works.

I wanna be.. the person you wanna sing with in your break time during your busy tasks.

I wanna be.. the person whose tweet is awaited by you everytime you scroll your Twitter timeline.

I wanna be.. the person who you wanna always send text to and the reason why you are smiling whenever you see my name pops out on your phone’s screen.

I wanna be.. the person who you worry about in a heavy windy rain.

I wanna be.. the person who you want to share your day with after all your tiring days with so many fluttered obstacles.

I wanna be.. the person who you want to say ‘Good night’ to and kiss me in the forehead, gently.

I wanna be.. your partner in crime, your childhood bestfriend, your online games playmate, your favorite TV Idol, and your everlasting good looking Disney princess.

I wanna be.. all I wanna be.. is yours.

Kamis, 21 Februari 2013

Kuala Lumpur Day Two

Hello again, folks! Melanjutkan catatan perjalanan saya di KL, kali ini saya akan menulis tentang hari kedua saya di KL. Anyway, sebelumnya saya ingin berterima kasih dulu kepada teman-teman yang mau susah-susah membaca tulisan ‘keple’ saya ini hehe. Thanks guys, It’s really meaningful to me! :D

Okay, back to the topic. Hari kedua saya berencana meng-explore KL habis-habisan.Tujuan pertama saya hari itu adalah menuju ke Batu Caves. Batu Caves merupakan sebuah gua dan candi suci bagi umat Hindu Malaysia, yang terletak 13 km dari KL. Berangkat dari apartemen Shantini (CS host saya) sekitar pukul 9 pagi, saya lalu berjalan kaki ke KL Sentral. Di KL Sentral saya membeli tiket KTM Komuter tujuan Batu Caves. Tiketnya dapat dibeli di petugas loket dengan harga 1RM dari KL Sentral ke Batu Caves dan 2 RM untuk rute sebaliknya.

KTM Komuter merupakan salah satu alat transportasi di KL yang nyaman, murah, cepat, termasuk baru. Baru pertama kali naik KTM Komuter, saya pun dibuat takjub. Bahkan, menurut saya alat transportasi tersebut sudah setara seperti yang saya temui di Eropa, bersih, tempat duduknya nyaman, tepat waktu, dan ber-AC. Ada gerbong khusus perempuan juga loh.. Wow. Kapan ya, Indonesia punya yang seperti itu ? (:

Gerbong khusus perempuan KTM Komuter

Sabtu, 09 Februari 2013


How does it feel when you really need to see your friends but you can't go because you can't afford the travel expenses ? You really want to meet them after years but you don't have enough money ? It s-u-c-k-s. Sucks :')

Rabu, 06 Februari 2013

Catatan Perjalanan dari Kuala Lumpur

Tanggal 30 Januari 2013 adalah salah satu hari ternekat bagi saya diantara hari-hari penuh kenekatan lainnya. Why is that so? Karena pada hari itu saya terbang ke Kuala Lumpur tanpa ijin orang tua, seorang  diri, dan hanya bermodal uang 500 ribu rupiah atau sekitar 150 ringgit. Saya jadi teringat kata-kata Mas Muchlis yaitu sebagai mahasiswa dan seorang yang dewasa kita terkadang tidak perlu lagi meminta ijin orang tua selama kita berkeyakinan hal itu bukan merupakan hal yang buruk. Entah benar atau sedikit sesat, saya pun akhirnya percaya akan teori itu.

Berawal dari hunting tiket promo Air Asia , saya iseng-iseng membeli tiket SUB-KUL pp seharga 300 ribu. Empat hari di KL saya rencanakan untuk mengisi liburan kuliah. Sebelumnya saya sudah merencanakan dengan baik dan melakukan banyak survey baik itu di internet, buku, dan bertanya ke orang lain tentang KL mengingat nantinya saya hanya seorang diri.

Tiba 3 jam sebelum keberangkatan, pagi itu sekitar pukul 8, Bandara Internasional Juanda terlihat cukup sepi. Karena counter check in belum dibuka, saya lalu mencari tempat duduk untuk membaca novel sembari membunuh waktu. Selang beberapa menit membolak-balik novel, diam-diam saya memperhatikan seorang wanita di sebelah saya. Membawa ransel khas backpacker, berpakaian casual, seorang diri, dan membawa buku mengenai info travelling ke Asia Tenggara. Saya pun memberanikan diri untuk bertanya dan berkenalan. Menit berikutnya, kami sudah terlibat perbincangan yang seru.

Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

Cross Border Medical Education : Prague, Czech Republic

Dobry den! I was lucky enough to experience a professional exchange to Prague at July 2012. I got a chance to meet other students, doctors, and health professionals at Third Medical Faculty Charles University of Prague. As one of the out-goers, I had a secret mission to get to know how was the medical educational system in Prague like. This was quite a hard mission due to the only-a-month-exchange-period I had. Anyway, I've done the mission so I'd like to share it with all of you. Happy reading :D

Czech Republic is one of the countries located in Central Europe. It is widely known for its rich ancient histories and amazing architecture. Its capital and largest City is Prague. There are a lot of famous cultural attractions with stunning architecture in Prague. Old Town Square, Charles Bridge, Astronomical Clock, Prague Castle and so many others had made Prague as the sixth-most-visited city in Europe.The economy condition in Prague remains high and stable with a GDP per capita of 80% of the European Union average.

Prague amazing view