Minggu, 05 Juni 2016
Minggu, 13 Maret 2016
Teruntuk Sang Kakak
Sore itu saya sedang berada di kamar, sedikit belajar,
banyak galau tentang masalah cinta. Iya, cinta. Hal yang bisa membuat pikiran
saya bercabang bahkan ketika mengerjakan soal-soal ujian. Terlintas walau hanya
sekejap. Mengesalkan, menyebalkan, dan mengganggu. Tiba-tiba ada notif LINE
dari ponsel saya. Oh, dari Mami ternyata. Betapa kagetnya ketika saya membaca
chat sesosok ibu yang sangat saya sayangi tersebut.
“Mbak, Alhamdulillah
Mas Kiki lolos beasiswa S2 di UK”
Seketika galau saya sirna sampai ke akar-akarnya dan tergantikan
oleh rasa senang, bersyukur, sekaligus tidak percaya. Senang sekali mendengar
kakak kandung saya akhirnya bisa mencapai salah satu impian terbesarnya. Bahkan
ketika jari saya menari di atas keyboard saat ini, masih ada rasa bahagia yang
meluap-luap dari setiap tuts huruf yang saya tekan. Seakan ingin sekali memeluk
dan menyalami tangan laki-laki tambun tersebut. Alhamdulillah Ya Allah!!
Mas Kiki, begitu saya memanggil lelaki yang sudah 28 tahun
menjadi seorang Kakak bagi saya dan adik saya. Sebagai seorang anak pertama
dalam keluarga kami, Mas Kiki menanamkan banyak hal dalam kehidupan saya. Sedari
kecil, Mas Kiki adalah orang yang paling mudah bergaul dan humoris. Saya
teringat ketika saya sangat tidak ingin berkunjung ke rumah Eyang karena
letaknya di daerah pedesaan. Bagi anak kecil seperti saya dulu, sangat
membosankan bila harus ke tempat dimana tidak ada Mall di sekitarnya. Sepanjang
hari di rumah Eyang, saya hanya cemberut dan diam. Kesal karena dipaksa
menghadiri acara keluarga di sana. Tapi entah kenapa, Mas Kiki selalu yang
paling santai. Ia tidak menampakkan kebosanannya, bahkan bercanda dan mengobrol
dengan yang lain.
Meskipun masa kecil kami sebagian
besar dihabiskan dengan bertengkar dan beradu mulut satu sama lain, tapi bila ditanya
apakah saya mau menukar Mas Kiki dengan orang lain sebagai Kakak saya?
Jawabannya tidak. Mas Kiki mengajarkan
saya untuk bertanggung jawab dalam hidup. Saya ingat sekali, ketika sedang
duduk di bangku SMP saya berjanji kepadanya untuk pulang ke rumah jam 4 sore. Ketika
itu kami bergantian menjaga rumah ketika Mami dan Papi sedang bekerja. Dasar
anak ABG, janji kepada kakak kandung sendiri saya anggap tidak terlalu penting.
“Yah, telat-telat dikit gapapa kali yah..” pikir saya waktu itu.
Tiga puluh menit terlambat dari
jam yang kami sepakati, saya disambut dengan muka masam Mas Kiki di depan pintu
ketika pulang ke rumah. Kunci rumah waktu itu dilempar ke lantai olehnya.
Sambil mengikat tali sepatunya dengan gerakan menghentak kesal, ia menasehati
saya dengan nada yang tinggi. “Kalau kamu telah berjanji kepada seseorang,
berusahalah untuk menepatinya! Apakah kamu selama ini tidak pernah diajarkan
untuk disiplin waktu? Aku telat jadinya kalau begini!”
Ego saya terluka waktu itu.
Bagaimana tidak, Mas Kiki hampir tidak pernah berteriak seperti itu kepada saya.
Dalam hati kecil saya, saya menyesal dan merasa bersalah kepadanya. Tapi
akhirnya saya mengerti, ia sedang membimbing adiknya menjadi orang yang baik.
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Mas Kiki, Mami, dan saya |
Mas Kiki pula yang mengajarkan
saya untuk berani bermimpi, mengambil resiko, dan berani mencoba meskipun
kegagalan adalah salah satu hal yang menyeramkan. Kami berdua sama, ingin sekali
membanggakan orangtua kami dengan pergi ke luar negeri. Alasannya, sejak kecil
kami gemar menonton film-film Hollywood dan MTV adalah channel TV wajib yang
kami tonton di pagi hari. Rasa penasaran kami pun semakin lama semakin besar.
Namun setiap kami meminta ke orangtua untuk berlibur ke luar negeri, Mami dan
Papi selalu menjawab dengan kalimat yang sama. “Iya, nanti kalian pasti bisa
pergi keliling dunia dengan usaha kalian sendiri”
Seperti berjanji ke diri kami
masing-masing, ketika beranjak dewasa kami berusaha mengejar mimpi itu, Mas Kiki
dengan menabung dari hasil kerjanya. Saya menabung dari uang jajan saya serta
mengikuti seleksi pertukaran pelajar. Setiap rencana gila yang saya ungkapkan
kepadanya mengenai traveling, ia
selalu mendukung baik secara moral dan keuangan, hehe. Meskipun saya tahu, ada
rasa takut dan khawatir kepada adik perempuannya ketika berada di tempat yang
asing untuk pertama kali.
Puji syukur kepada Penguasa Alam
Semesta, Allah SWT yang menuliskan rencana hidup terindah kepada hamba-Nya. Allah
mengabulkan doa kami dengan mengijinkan Mas Kiki mengambil gelar Master-nya di Manchester University. Mas Kiki memang sudah berniat dan bertekad
untuk itu. Ketika berkunjung ke rumahnya sekarang di Jakarta Selatan. Ia menuliskan
di catatan kecil di kamarnya, untuk terus berlatih menulis essay dan membaca
buku demi mendaftar kuliah S2.
Sekali lagi, selamat kepada Kakak
saya tersayang Kiki Ahmadi. Mohon doanya supaya segala prosesnya lancar dan
adiknya juga segera menyandang gelar Dokter. Amiin J
PS : Tulisan ini saya buat tanpa
sepengetahuannya, karena gengsi di antara kami terlalu tinggi bahkan untuk
mengatakan kekaguman kami satu sama lain. Hehehe. Tulisan ini juga dibuat
sebagai bentuk rasa syukur saya memiliki keluarga sehebat keluarga saya, dan
atas rasa malu saya karena telah disibukkan oleh hal-hal yang kurang penting
sampai mengabaikan mimpi-mimpi saya dan keluarga. J
Selasa, 09 Februari 2016
Love ?
The world's most famous word. The world's most mentioned word. Love. How about the meaning of it? How many people can describe what love is? It might be interesting to describe and define love, the world's most metaphysical object. Something we usually not to give a damn about describing it, but just to feel it. Anyway, February is the month of love! Let's just to be frank about love to celebrate it!
Love makes us alive.
"I have always loved you, and you know that. Ever since I was fifteen years old, when we laid under the trees, learning and growing in love. I have tried to let you go and find someone that moves me more than you, but no one can beat the way you make me feel. Being around you lifts me up - not only do I feel fifteen again, but you make me feel like I couldn’t be anyone better but the person I am when I am with you."- Le Love
Yes, baby. Your love makes me alive, 200% more alive than before. Remember how we talk to each other about everything? There was a kind of relief there. To put my head over your chest, there was a fresh air I breathed. By just smiling and holding my hand, I was exceedingly happy to be right next to you. Hopes were flying free beyond our heads when we were so in love. We were so not care about what was ahead, busy making each other happy effortlessly.
"From the way you smile , to the way you look, you capture me unlike no other. From the first hello
Yeah, that's all it took and certainly we had each other. And I won't leave you. Always be true.
One plus one, two for life, over and over again.
So, don't ever think I need more.. I've got the one to live for. No one else will do, and
I'm telling you just put your heart in my hands. Promise it won't get broken , we'll never forget this moment. It will stay brand new, 'Cause I'll love you over and over again." - Nathan Sykes
Love scares us.
As a ordinary human being, naturally we want to own something or someone we love entirely. Especially when it has given us enormous happiness, like ultimate level of happiness this tiny world could ever have. One huge consequences of loving someone, is we don't want to lose him/her. We scared of goodbye, of being left and alone. Selfish, indeed. Yet we can't deny nor run from it.The harder we love, the bigger we scare.
Yes honey. I'm scared. Scared to death of losing you even if it's just one minute. It grows bigger along with my feeling for you. And everyday I felt like I already lost you. It was undeniable. You kept on making me feel scared by going to another direction that we both hate.
"When two souls fall in love, there is nothing else but the yearning to be close to the other. The presence that is felt through a hand held, a voice heard, or a smile seen.
Souls do not have calendars or clocks, nor do they understand the notion of time or distance. They only know it feels right to be with another. This is the reason why you miss someone so much when they are not there- even if they are only in the very next room. Your soul only feels their absence- it doesn't realise the separation is temporary" - Lang Leav
"If this is my last night with you. Hold me like I'm more than just a friend. Give me a memory I can use, take me by the hand while we do what lovers do. It matters how this ends 'cause what if I never love again?
I don't need your honesty, it's already in your eyes. And I'm sure my eyes, they speak for me.
No one knows me like you do. And since you're the only one that matters. Tell me who do I run to?" - Adele
No one knows me like you do. And since you're the only one that matters. Tell me who do I run to?" - Adele
Love lies to us.
I'm a hundred percent sure, there is a part of lying and faking something in order to love someone. First, people tend to lie to please many people whether the fact they don't matter at all. Second, we lie to ourselves about our feeling. How the decision we made not making us happy, but we lie in front of people out there. We cover our face with masks, until we can't differ which one is the real one. Some people tell lies to hurt others, some tell lies to please others.
"…two people, confused as shit as to
where they should be and who they should love and none of this means a
damn thing because it’s all lies!" - S.L. Jennings
"I loved him more than anything. I still miss him every day. What hurts the most is that the man I loved, and what I miss, was never real, it never even existed. Which also makes it easier in some ways, there is no way back, nothing to mend, nothing in reality to miss, as there wasn't a moment when he wasn't lying. But I don't get why, and it makes me scream inside. Now I know that he in fact taunted me, tortured me, enjoyed his powerful and sadistic position, he would tell me I was mad when I questioned why so much did not make sense. He never loved me. " - experienceproject.com
“who did I think we were.
who did I think
I could make you.
this is the oldest mistake,
to confuse wanting
with magic. silence is the undoing
of every spell, and we are experts
in the unsaid. even now, I forget
to put us in past tense. as if
the air in this city were the same.
as if love is anything like its speaking.” ― Marty McConnell
who did I think
I could make you.
this is the oldest mistake,
to confuse wanting
with magic. silence is the undoing
of every spell, and we are experts
in the unsaid. even now, I forget
to put us in past tense. as if
the air in this city were the same.
as if love is anything like its speaking.” ― Marty McConnell
"You didn’t love her. You just didn’t want to be
alone. Or maybe, maybe she was good for your ego. Or maybe she made you
feel better about your miserable life, but you didn’t love her, because
you don’t destroy the person that you love".- Callie Torres - ‘The Heart of the Matter’